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Prof. Hugen Yan

I'm a "Chang Jiang Scholar" Professor of Physics at Fudan University. Specialized in optical spectroscopy of condensed matter systems, including but not limited to graphene, 2D semiconductors, 2D semimetals, I particularly focus on the plasmonic and excitonic responses. The major effort is to probe symmetry, dimension, interlayer coupling and topology effect on light-matter interactions.

My group always looks for highly motivated graduate students and postdocs to participate in our exciting projects.

As a major author(either first or corresponding), I have published papers (up to 2023.9) in Nature (1 paper), Nature Photonics (1), Nature Nanotechnology(1), Light: Science and Applications (1), Nature Communications (10), Science Advances (1), Physical Review Letters(3), PNAS(1),among others. 

Group News

August 2023
Yuchen's paper on black phosphorus QCSE has been accepted to Nature Commun.! Congratulations to Yuchen! Well done!

Professor Yan has been selected as a Chang Jiang Scholar (教育部长江学者特聘教授)!

July 2023

Yuangang's and Chong's papers on tuning hyperbolic plasmons in WTe2 have been accepted to Light and Nano Letters! Congratulations to both! Well done!

June 2023

Prof. Yan is selected as 上海市优秀学术带头人。

Jan. 2022

Prof. Yan is promoted as a titled professor: Xie Xide Junior Professor (谢希德青年教授)。

Oct. 2021

Fanjie got a titled scholarship(趣时笃行奖学金)! Congratulations to Fanjie! 

Sept 2021

Shenyang's paper on black phosphorus under pressure has been accepted to PRL! Congratulations to Shenyang! Well done!

Sept 2021

Fanjie's paper on monolayer black phosphorus has been accepted to Nature Communications! Congratulations to Fanjie! Well done!

Sept 2021

Welcome Yixuan Ma and Junwei Ma to join our group!

June 2021

Chaoyu and Qiaoxia successfully defended their thesis! Congratulations to Dr. Song and Dr. Xing!
Qiaoxia is now a postdoc in our group. Welcome!

March 2021
Qiaoxia's  paper on plasmons in graphite has been accepted to PRL !
Congratulations to Qiaoxia!

Feb. 2021
Guowei's review paper on black phosphorus has been accepted to Laser&Photonics Reviews!
Congratulations to Guowei!

Jan. 2021
Prof. Yan delivered an open on-line lecture on infrared spectroscopy of 2D materials.
Videos are here.

December 2020 
Shenyang has been selected as Shanghai Super Postdoc(上海市超级博后)!
Congratulations to Shenyang!

December 2020 
Chaoyu's work "Plasmons in the van der Waals charge-density-wave material 2H-TaSe2"  has been accepted to Nature Communications! 
Congratulations to Chaoyu!

December 2020 
Our paper titled "Tunable plasmons in large area WTe2 thin films"  has been accepted to PR Applied! 
Congratulations to Dr. Chong Wang!

August 2020 
Our paper titled "From anomalous to normal: the temperature dependence of the band structure in 2-dimensional black phosphorus"  has been accepted to PRL! 
Congratulations to Shenyang!

June 2020 
Congratulations to Shenyang for his successful defence of his PhD thesis!

March 2020 
Our paper titled "The optical conductivity of few-layer black phosphorus by infrared spectroscopy"  has been accepted to Nature Communications! 
Congratulations to Guowei!

March 2020 
Our paper for graphene split-ring resonators  has been accepted to Physical Review Applied! 
Congratulations to Qiaoxia!
March 2020 
Our paper for WTe2 hyperbolic plasmons has been published in Nature Communications! 
Congratulations to Chong Wang!

Nov. 2019 
Shenyang has been awarded the national scholarship and Chaoyu, a titled scholarship. Congratulations to Shenyang and Chaoyu!  

June 2019 
Our paper for Strained BP  is published in  Nature Communications! 
Congratulations to Shenyang Huang!

Recent Publications


Google Scholar

Oct. 2021

Layer-Dependent Pressure Effect on the Electronic Structure of 2D Black Phosphorus,  PRL 见中文介绍

Sept. 2021

Prediction of hyperbolic exciton-polaritons in monolayer black phosphorus,  Nature Communications 见中文介绍

June 2021

Plasmons dragged by drifting electrons,  Nature

April 2021

Layer‐Dependent Electronic and Optical Properties of 2D Black Phosphorus: Fundamentals and Engineering,  Laser&Photonics Reviews

April 2021

Tunable Terahertz Plasmons in Graphite Thin Films, PRL


Jan. 2021

Plasmons in the van der Waals charge-density-wave material 2H-TaSe2, Nature Communications

Jan.  2021

Tunable Plasmons in Large-Area WTe2 Thin Films,  Phy. Rev. Appl. 

October 2020 

From anomalous to normal: the temperature dependence of the band structure in 2-dimensional black phosphorus, PRL


August 2020​

The optical Properties of few-layer InSe, The Journal of Applied Physics (invited review)

April 2020 

Tunable Graphene Split-Ring Resonators, Physical Review Applied

April 2020 

The optical conductivity of few-layer black phosphorus by infrared spectroscopy, Nature Communications

March 2020 

Van der Waals thin films of WTe2 for natural hyperbolic plasmonic surfaces, Nature Communications


March 2020 

The discovery of dynamic chiral anomaly in a Weyl semimetal NbAs, Nature Communications

News and Views in Nature Physics

September  2019 

The Optical Properties and Plasmonics of Anisotropic 2-Dimensional Materials, Advanced Optical Materials 

June 2019 

Strain tunable van der Waals interactions in few layer black phosphorus, Nature Communications

April 2019  

Drastic enhancement of the Raman intensity in few-layer InSe by uniaxial strain, Phys. Rev. B

February 2019 

Electronic structures of air-exposed few-layer black phosphorus by optical spectroscopy, Phys. Rev. B

April 2018 

Chiral Landau levels in Weyl semimetal NbAs with multiple topological carriers, Nature Communications

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